Introducing SEQual – Next Steps

We’re delighted that so many of you could join us for our webinars launching the SEQual supplier pre-qualification system for the oil and gas industry.

If you weren’t able to attend, or want to take a second look at the presentations given, you can download a summary of the slides presented.

We’ve been collecting answers to frequently asked questions on the system, but please do contact us if you have a question we’ve not answered yet, either as buyer or supplier.

The SEQual system has adopted the industry standard UNSPSC system to classify products and services. You can browse the list of codes available to identify those that best match the products and services you offer. If you’re having trouble identifying a suitable code, please contact your buyer, or the SEQual Support team for assistance.

Finally, if you are interested in becoming a buyer within the SEQual system, or have any feedback on the SEQual system and how it can be improved, please do get in touch with the SEQual Scheme Manager by email to: